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Welcome to toy shop!

Welcome to a re_data getting started tutorial. We will prepare, analyze and monitor toy shop data here. The toy shop is a fictional e-commerce shop 🙂

It's an example of how a re_data project can work and help you improve data in your data warehouse

Setting up toy shop project

Install re_data if you don't have it already

pip install re_data

Set up a dbt project containing the toy shop data using the re_data CLI.

re_data init toy_shop
cd toy_shop/

Toy shop data

You would observe that the project has two seed files included:

  • toy_shop/seeds/customers.csv
  • toy_shop/seeds/orders.csv

And it also contains one model:

  • toy_shop/models/pending_orders_per_customer.sql

Both seeds & model are already configured to be monitored by re_data, we will describe this configuration later on during the tutorial


We use seeds instead of sources much more often than you would normally do in dbt. This is due to the convenient setup dbt offers for seeds

Profile setup

For re_data to work you will need dbt connection with the name toy_shop (project name we used) Here are examples of how it could look like in dbs supported by re_data, you can also check more details on connection configuration in dbt profiles docs.

target: dev
type: bigquery
method: oauth
project: xxx
schema: toy_shop
location: US
threads: 4

Loading data & creating models

Now you are ready to load toy_shop seed data & create project models.

# load seed files into the database
dbt seed
# Compute models for toy_shop project, only pending_orders_per_customer table in this case.
dbt run --select package:toy_shop

After this step 3 tables should be available in the data warehouse of your choice:

Loaded data
toy_shop=> SELECT * FROM toy_shop.orders;
id | customer_id | status | amount | time_created
1 | 2 | PAID | 20000 | 2021-01-02 14:10:54
2 | 3 | SHIPPED | 20000 | 2021-01-06 06:39:15
3 | 4 | DELIVERED | 40000 | 2021-01-10 20:46:55
4 | 5 | PENDING_PAYMENT | 20000 | 2021-01-10 12:15:55
5 | 6 | PAID | 25000 | 2021-01-09 21:38:54
toy_shop=> SELECT * FROM toy_shop.customers;
id | age | name
1 | 25 | Matias Douglas
2 | 38 | Raelyn Harrison
3 | 34 | Anaya Reed
4 | 46 | Mario Harris
5 | 28 | John Roberts
toy_shop=> SELECT * FROM toy_shop.pending_orders_per_customer;
id | amount | status | time_created | customer_id | age
4 | 20000 | PENDING_PAYMENT | 2021-01-10 12:15:55 | 5 | 28
8 | 5000 | PENDING_PAYMENT | 2021-01-05 11:41:49 | 9 | 60
12 | 20000 | PENDING_PAYMENT | 2021-01-08 13:10:48 | 13 | 38
16 | 30000 | PENDING_PAYMENT | 2021-01-05 13:57:46 | 2 | 38
20 | 30000 | PENDING_PAYMENT | 2021-01-09 20:07:28 | 6 | 39
24 | 10000 | PENDING_PAYMENT | 2021-01-06 06:42:35 | 10 | 29
28 | 45000 | PENDING_PAYMENT | 2021-01-02 10:03:27 | 14 | 20

More questions?

If you have more questions, got stuck anywhere or something is not working as expected please let us know on Slack! 😊, we will help you asap and it will help us improve this tutorial.