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re_data notify command is used to send notifications relating to re_data alerts.


re_data notify slack \
--start-date 2021-01-01 \
--end-date 2021-01-31 \
--webhook-url \
--subtitle="[Optional] Markdown text to be added as a subtitle in the slack message generated" \
--select anomaly \
--select test \
--select schema_change

Running this command would generate a slack message from the alerts re_data detected.

  • Supported arguments:
    • start-date (default: today - 7 days) - start date of the period for which you want to generate alerts
    • end-date (default: today) - end date of the period for which you want to generate alerts
    • webhook-url - incoming webhook gotten from a slack app.
    • subtitle (optional) - extra markdown text passed to the generated message. Often used to add some more context to the message generated.
    • dbt-vars - This accepts a valid YAML dictionary as string which is passed down to the dbt command using --vars.
    • select - (default: anomaly, schema_change, test) - alert type to be included in the notifications. This option allows multiple values and must be a valid alert type.
  • Dbt supported arguments:
    • profile - Which profile to load. Overrides setting in dbt_project.yml.
    • target - Which target to load for the given profile.
    • project-dir - Which directory to look in for the dbt_project.yml file. Default is the current working directory and its parents.
    • profiles-dir - Which directory to look in for the profiles.yml file. Default = ~/.dbt.


re_data notify email \
--start-date 2021-01-01 \
--end-date 2021-01-31 \
--select anomaly \
--select test \
--select schema_change

Running this command would generate a slack message from the alerts re_data detected.

  • Supported arguments:
    • start-date (default: today - 7 days) - start date of the period for which you want to generate alerts
    • end-date (default: today) - end date of the period for which you want to generate alerts
    • select - (default: anomaly, schema_change, test) - alert type to be included in the notifications. This option allows multiple values and must be a valid alert type.
    • dbt-vars - This accepts a valid YAML dictionary as string which is passed down to the dbt command using --vars.
  • Dbt supported arguments:
    • profile - Which profile to load. Overrides setting in dbt_project.yml.
    • target - Which target to load for the given profile.
    • project-dir - Which directory to look in for the dbt_project.yml file. Default is the current working directory and its parents.
    • profiles-dir - Which directory to look in for the profiles.yml file. Default = ~/.dbt.