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Deployment 🚀

Running re_cloud on production​

re_data is designed to fit into existing workflows and can be run in many different ways. We will describe here the 2 which in our perspective are the most common.

re_cloud run on Airflow, Prefect, or other orchestration tools​

If you are using any of the popular orchestration tools, we advise you to create a new job that will run re_cloud push after the dbt docs, re_data, and great-expectations docs were created.

All orchestration tools allow you to quite easily run bash commands. The most important thing here is to make sure re-cloud is actually available in the orchestration tool's environment. You can easily install re_cloud even in the same command running it by using pip install re-cloud.

re_cloud (and possibly dbt, re_data, others) run in Github Actions​

This is the way we run re_cloud. We are using it on our analytics repo code which you can actually check out HERE.

The most interesting part of it is the Github Actions which is running our whole setup, you can check github action file here

One thing to notice is how to quickly point re_cloud to the configuration file without making them part of the repo. re_data support variable RE_DATA_CONFIG_DIR which can be used to point to a directory where your configuration files are stored. This way is very similar to dbt's DBT_PROFILES_DIR env variable, which we are, by the way, also using.

Lastly, we are using yq to fill the proper values in our configuration files (from GitHub secrets) while running the commands.

More questions?​

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